Some things to know about mortgage loans

There are many forms in which the Bank loans mortgage loan is the most common form. Here are some things to know about mortgage loans.

Mortgage lending is asset guarantee is secured lending products property, such as when the automobile loan mortgage with home land, personal consumer loans mortgages savings book.

Property ownership remains with the borrower, but in case the customer does not pay the debt to the Bank, then required to transfer ownership of the property for the Bank to liquidate.

The mortgage loan is often used to start a business, expand business or personal shopping ... Can also use to payments on loans with higher interest rates.

The benefits that bring mortgage loans

-The loan amount is not fixed but depends on each bank, typically from 50 million to 5 billion, also it depends on the value of assets that you assure the Bank income, ability to repay the loan.

-Interest rate of the mortgage loan assets are usually located in%/12%/year to about 7, this also depends very much on the personal profile of a borrowers and banking criteria set out the interest rate can change

-Maximum loan amount can be up to a maximum of 80% of the asset value guarantees, in the maximum loan term is 15 years.

-The maximum age limit of 60 years to qualify.

-Payment of the loan under the interest rate charged on the outstanding fades out the current root, the interest rate charged on the outstanding original, you can get this deal.

-The collateral borrowers owned capital or guarantee by a third party

-When customer loans absolutely no bad debt at other credit institutions

Profile procedure for a property mortgage loan guarantee includes:

The recommended single mortgage loans and repayment plans
Household/provisional certificate
ID CARD/Passport
Proof of monthly income
Papers relating to guaranteed asset/guarantee
Documents proving the purpose of use of capital (if any) documents proving the purpose of use of capital (if any)
Some note when taking a mortgage loan collateral

You need to ensure that, all these incentives and deals are promotion of support based on the text, relevant papers. So before deciding on mortgage loans you need to get a loan information via text, email or letter from client

Before signing the text you need to be sure to check carefully the terms and conditions in writing.
Absolutely not giving false information about myself and my family. By this huge influence to the loan procedures and your credibility after this with the Bank, not sign blank documents and have no text content.

When you've decided to mortgage loans, need to be able to accurately calculate maturity loans as soon as possible, and you will bear the cost for loans less than when the repayment period extended.

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